Saturday, November 24, 2007


For all those who hated my blog, don't despair. There's help at hand. You can apparently nuke Mall Road.

Dilip: there's been a massive Mars attack on your blog! Be there or elsewhere :)

Amit Varma's blog, for all its obsession with cows, gets some cow dung. He deserves it in between all the praise and awards.

Yazad Jal keeps wrting about his atheism. I don't know why. Here's evidence at last for him that God exists.

God can be nasty. Sonia Faleiro's blog used to be called Colour of Water. She removed those words and put her own name there. The rain gods caused a flood at her blog.

All those poor souls who got bad reviews from Jabberwock take revenge. Jabberwock sucks, they said, and so they decided to suck his text!

Someone finally called Caferati's bluff in a sting operation, exposing how much they spill coffee in their meetings.

For his various libertarian crimes against humanity, I used a spray to paint some really obscene graffiti on Saket Vaidya's blog.

I used a chainsaw to cut out all those obtrusive ads from the Desicritics website. No prizes for guessing: I was not successful.

Buddy Gaurav, what happens when your arguments don't make sense? I throw tomatoes at you.

And boy, there's yet another puke fest at The Maanga.

All you guys, go deal with the trouble. In the meanwhile, I'll go hatch my chickens before they count.

(I got to know all this bad news after K revealed how someone peed at his blog! All that beer has become you-know-what!)

Now you know why why I've been trying to convince you all to get your blogs insured? And all you wanted was a discount from my commission!

Cross-posted at my nuked blog.

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